“I wanted to turn my dreams into reality”

One of our students, Miss Lucky Long, completed our program in March 2022. She received a job offer to work as a Helpdesk Technician for $70K/year.

Miss Lucky contracted COVID-19 at the beginning of this class session and had to quarantine for two weeks. She lost her job and has had other traumatic events happen to her in her lifetime.

During her absence from class because of COVID-19 her classmates consoled her and treated her like family.  They encouraged her to hang in there during the darkest moments. They bought her food and stayed on Zoom with her during study sessions so that she could get caught up with her studies. She was able to catch up when she returned because as she says, “I wanted to turn my dreams into reality.”  

She says her life has had a lot of bad and good. But always knew she had to keep trying to fulfill her purpose in life. She has gone from making under $30K/year as a clerk to making $70K/year as a technology professional. She looks forward to giving back to FOCUS, she says, and hopes to encourage “people like me to join the program and change their lives forever.”

FOCUS Student in class training